Sixmilebridge Gaa Arena – Update
This is an update on the project to date and we hope to provide regular updates as the project progresses over the coming months. We were delighted with how positive people were on the doorsteps in relation to the Arena project when we were out selling the new Standing Order Lotto and it shows that there is strong support out there for this project to become a reality.
Firstly the committee would like to thank the people who have supported this project to date. Over 250 people have signed up so far for the Standing Order Lotto and we have not visited every house yet! We have had about 50 volunteer sellers, in teams, out around the parish selling the new Standing order lotto since December. This has been no mean feat and with nearly 1,000 houses to be visited and revisited in some cases we would also like to say a big thank you to the volunteer sellers. Because of the sheer volume of houses to be visited and re-visited we still have a share of houses that we have yet to get to and we will be calling to those in the next few weeks.
Don’t forget however that if you have a form filled out and want it collected or you would like to sign up and a team hasn’t called to you, you can still sign up by contacting one of the Arena committee members, whose contact details are listed below.
The first draw for the new Lotto has already taken place and although there was no Jackpot winner, there are now 10 (instead of 5) lucky dip winners who each won €30 each. The 10 lucky dip winners are listed below. It is important to note that the Lotto is the same Lotto for new Standing Order signups (which means you will never miss a draw) and regular subscribers via the Lotto tickets sold in the pubs or by regular sellers. In short, there is only one Lotto!
The club have also set up a Fundraising committee for the Arena and that committee will be organising events throughout the year.
10 lucky dip winners – January 2nd 2017
Caroline O’ Halloran, Pat O’ Gorman, Michael Nash, Kitty Frost, Mrs. O’ Neill, Aishling Hawkes, Steve Murray, Orla Chaplin, Brendan Walsh
Arena Committee Members
Terence Chaplin 086 3318785
Ian Chaplin 087 6224485
Mike O’ Halloran 086 8316246
John Gaule 087 6889865